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- Bunker ARK- Konjic

March 5, 2022
Bunker ARK- Konjic

Bunker ARK - Nuclear War Headquarters (military name "D-O"), located near Konjic, inside a hill, right under Zlatar mountain, was built by JNA (Yugoslav People's Army) on 6,500 m2 area. Located 280 meters underground bunker was built with aim to function, in case of (nuclear) war, as a Military Operations Center (Supreme Command Staff shelter) and a shelter for President Tito, his family and closest associates. This facility, that reminds of labyrinth, with more than hundreed rooms and fully preserved inventory (that consists of numerous residential areas, conference rooms, offices and "presidential bloc"), was supposed to provide normal living conditions for 350 people for six months. Until 90's construction (which lasted 1953-1979, and for which 4,6 billion US dollars were invested) and the wary existance of this bunker were most strictly kept top military secret.
Contact Details
- Contact person: Agencija „PRVI KORAK“ d.o.o.
- Email: prvikorakkonjic@gmail.com
- Phone: +387 36 734 811
- Website: http://titosbunker.ba
- Address: Agencija „PRVI KORAK“ d.o.o. Konjic
- Note: Agencija „PRVI KORAK“ objavještava turističke agencije i pojedinačne posjetioce o terminima posjete objektu D-0 („ARK“) Konjic. Posjete ARK-u mogu se organizovati u slijedećim terminima: ponedjeljak, srijeda, petak u 10,12 i 14h, utorak i četvrtak u 12h, subota i nedjelja u 10 i 12h. Za sve dodatne informacije možete kontaktirati: Agencija za ekonomski razvoj „PRVI KORAK“ d.o.o. Konjic e-mail: prvikorakkonjic@gmail.com ili d0.ark.info@gmail.com Telefon: +387 36 734 811