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April 9, 2022

Hutovo blato is a unique sub-Mediterranean wetland in Europe. It has been known since ancient times as a green oasis, with an abundance of water in which a large number of plant and animal species have found living conditions. The wetland is interesting and significant from an ornithological, ichthyological, scientific, ecological and tourist point of view. Hutovo blato is considered to be one of the largest wintering grounds for birds in Europe. The largest lakes of Hutova blata are: Deransko, Jelim, Drijen, Orah, Škrka and Svitava. The Krupa River is the main watercourse of Hutova Blata and drains the waters of Gornji Blato and Svitavsko Lake into the Neretva River. Due to its exceptional importance and beauty, Hutovo blato was declared a Nature Park in 1995. Due to its international significance, "Hutovo blato" was founded in 1971. included in the "List of Wetlands of International Importance", and in 1980. it is included in the "International Project for the Protection of Mediterranean Wetlands". Guided by the facts and needs for the development of self-sustainable activities of the Park with a dose of caution to preserve and protect the fundamental natural values of the area, there was a tourist offer consisting of the following activities: photo safari, sport fishing, sports preparations, educational trails and catering, and adrenaline park as a new tourist offer. Photo safari as a tourist attraction includes sightseeing, bird watching and enjoying the natural environment of the swamp with a boat ride through the swampy part of Hutova blata. The trip consists of a boat ride that can accommodate 25 people. The total ride takes about an hour and the route is circular. After the ride, guests can refresh themselves, have lunch at the Park Motel and receive additional information and promotional materials about the Park. The Adrenaline Park is a new tourist offer of the Nature Park and consists of a trail for children and a trail for adults. Using interesting obstacles integrated into nature, guests are provided with a unique experience of nature in a fun and adventurous way. za domaće goste 2,00 KM za strane goste 4,00 KM za učenike 1,00 KM za invalide i djecu besplatno ostale usluge se naplaćuju: vožnja brodicom, korištenje andrenalinskog parka, kampa, interpretacijskog centra, vidikovca, promatračnica za ptice, turističkog vodiča, sportski ribolov i sl. Sve detaljne informacije o cijenama i uslugama mogu se dobiti na web stranici PPHB, putem e-maila ii kontaktom na broj telefona. *Ulaznice uključuju besplatan parking i korištenje toaleta