''Radmilja'', a public institution for cultural – historical and natural heritage and development of touristic resources of Stolac Municipality it is municipality's tourisitic organisation, established for creation and promotion of identity of touristic potentials on municipality basis, as well for planing and implementation of mutual strategy, proposal and preformance of marketing activites in country and abroad. This is common interest for all subjects in field of tourism and it rases quality of overall touristic offer of Stolac Municipality.
Institution shall spred it's activites on protection and preservation of rich cultural, historical and natural heritage.

Most important activites of institution are refered at:
-Analyze of information and other expert materials of municipality touristic potentials, analyze of cultural-historical and natural heritage for authority needs, and for implementation of procedures for the protection, preservation, restoration and revitalization,
-Work on activities for presentation of cultural, historical and natural heritage,
-Recording, ordering and data processing of all measures and activities on preservation and restoration of cultural, historical and natural heritage,
-Work on suitable plans and programs for citizen training regarding their relation in cultural, historical and natural preservation and protection ,
-Analyze of information and other expert material regarding condition of municipality's touristic potentials,
-Promotion and improvement of original values of Stolac Municipality (tradition, customs, ethnological treasure) as touristic domain,
-Integration and valorization of complete touristic offer of Stolac Municipality ,
Institution shall be driving force which combine overall touristic offer of municipality in unique touristic product and it shall be presented on touristic market of Bosnia and Herzegovina and region.