April 8, 2022
Presentation of the pilot project of TB HNC – installation of multimedia totems
The pilot project of multimedia totems installation at the tourist destinations in HNC was presented at the International Economic Fair in Mostar on 10/04/2013.
The pilot project of installation of ten multimedia totems in the Canton, presents an integral part of the project Adristorical Lands, which aims to combine and coordinate the use of new information technologies in order to better promote the territory and provide easier access to information.
Deputy Director of Tourist Board of HNC and engaged consultant explained characteristics and contents of the totems to the participants. Interactive multimedia totems with wireless connection will act as the points at which all relevant information will be available to end users and will include information on the locations of the project target area, including information on cultural activities, accommodation, attractions and events. Locations for the interactive totems will be defined by the TB HNC in cooperation with the stakeholders from the Canton.
The presentation was attended by representatives of institutions and service providers in the tourism sector.